Friday, June 24, 2011

Lime Cran Apple

Back in March Jeff and I visited my parents in Arizona for a long weekend. We flew on Southwest and they introduced me to my new favorite drink. I ordered a cranberry apple juice and to my surprise, it came with a wedge of lime. Let me tell you, it was delicious!

All you need:

Glass filled about 1/3 to 1/2 way with crushed ice

Cranberry apple juice

Lime juice (1/4 lime if you're using fresh)

I admit, this time around, I only have the bottled stuff. But it still works. But just fill the rest of the glass with the juice and add a squirt or two of lime juice. Stir it up and enjoy!

If using a fresh lime, squeeze the 1/4 of a lime in there and add the juiced rind.

1 comment:

Stephen and Debbie said...

Sounds good! I will have to try it!